







熊昕助理研究员,硕士生导师。日本东北大学精密仪器及机械专业工学博士。曾入选国家国际博士后交流引进计划于浙江大学机械工程学院微纳技术与精密工程研究所工作。入选重庆理工大学“杰出人才”第三层次人才项目。在精密工程领域权威国际期刊Precision EngineeringMeasurement Science and Technology等期刊上发表SCI期刊论文20余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI/EI等期刊论文9篇,近五年论文被引百余次。历任日本东北大学工学研究科科研助理,外国人研究者。国际学术期刊  Nanomanufacturing and metrology青年编委,领域权威国际学术期刊Precision EngineeringMeasurement science and technology, Nanomanufacturing and metrology等期刊审稿人。


    精密仪器及机械,纳米计量学, 超精密光学测量


[1] 重庆市人力资源和社会保障局博士后来渝资助项目2024.01-2026.1215万,主持。

[2] 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目2024.10-2027.094万,主持

[3] 高校科研项目2023.09-2026.0960万,主持

[4] 科技部国家重点研发计划2023YFB3209400, 2023.09-2026.091000万,参与

[5] 国家自然科学基金委联合项目U22A202072023.01-2026.12255万,参与


[1] Xiong, X., Hu, P., Zhang, W., Ju, B. F., & Chen, Y. L. (2022). Implementation and verification of a dual-probe measurement system for geometric form evaluation of a ring-type cylinder. Precision Engineering, 74, 290-302.

[2] Xiong, X., Quan, L., Shimizu, Y., Matsukuma, H., & Gao, W. (2021). Self-calibration of a variable-line-spacing grating for an absolute optical encoder with a Fizeau interferometer. Measurement Science and Technology, 32(6), 064005.

[3] Xiong, X., Matsukuma, H., Shimizu, Y., & Gao, W. (2020). Evaluation of the pitch deviation of a linear scale based on a self-calibration method with a Fizeau interferometer. Measurement Science and Technology, 31(9), 094002.

[4] Xiong, X., Yin, C., Quan, L., Sato, R., Matsukuma, H., Shimizu, Y., ... & Gao, W. (2022). Self-Calibration of a Large-Scale Variable-Line-Spacing Grating for an Absolute Optical Encoder by Differencing Spatially Shifted Phase Maps from a Fizeau Interferometer. Sensors, 22(23), 9348.

[5] Xiong, X., Yin, C., Quan, L., Sato, R., Matsukuma, H., Shimizu, Y., ... & Gao, W. (2022). Self-Calibration of a Large-Scale Variable-Line-Spacing Grating for an Absolute Optical Encoder by Differencing Spatially Shifted Phase Maps from a Fizeau Interferometer. Sensors, 22(23), 9348.

[6] Wang, Y., Xiong, X., Ju, B. F., & Chen, Y. L. (2022). Voxelated meniscus-confined electrodeposition of 3D metallic microstructures. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 174, 103850. (Feature paper)

[7] Xiong, X., Matsukuma, H., Chen, X., Shimizu, Y., & Gao, W. (2018, November). Fast evaluation of a linear scale for a linear encoder with a Fizeau interferometer and stitching technique. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM) (pp. 220-222). IEEE. (Best paper award)

[8] Yin, Chengguang, Xiong, X., Matsukuma, Sato, R., and Gao, W. (2023, October, Seoul Korea) Stitching interferometry method for the pitch evaluation of a large-scale variable-line-spacing diffraction grating by using a Fizeau interferometer, International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments. (Best paper award)




