






王沂峰,讲师,硕士生导师。国际期刊“Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics”、“Intelligent Transportation lnfrastructure”青年编委。2012.09-2016.07,获得西南交通大学土木工程专业学士学位;2016.09-2023.06,硕博连读并获得西南交通大学道路与铁道工程专业博士学位;2019.10-2021.08,国家留学基金委资助英国利物浦大学联合培养博士。2023.07-今,重庆理工大学机械工程学院教师。在国内外重要刊物如“Energy Conversion and Management”、“Applied Energy”、“Smart Materials and Structures”、“IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems”等发表SCI论文10余篇,谷歌引用逾600次;授权发明专利7项。










[1] WANG Y, WANG P, LI S, GAO M, OUYANG H, HE Q, WANG P. An electromagnetic vibration energy harvester using a magnet-array-based vibration-to-rotation conversion mechanism[J/OL]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 253: 115146。

[2] WANG Y, LI S, GAO M, OUYANG H, HE Q, WANG P. Analysis, design and testing of a rolling magnet harvester with diametrical magnetization for train vibration[J/OL]. Applied Energy, 2021, 300: 117373。

[3] WANG Y, LI S, WANG P, GAO M, OUYANG H, HE Q, WANG P. A multifunctional electromagnetic device for vibration energy harvesting and rail corrugation sensing[J/OL]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30(12): 125012。

[4] WANG Y, GAO M, OUYANG H, LI S, HE Q, WANG P. Modelling, simulation, and experimental verification of a pendulum-flywheel vibrational energy harvester[J/OL]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2020, 29(11): 115023。

[5] WANG Y, WANG P, WANG Q, CHEN Z, HE Q. Using Vehicle Interior Noise Classification for Monitoring Urban Rail Transit Infrastructure[J/OL]. Sensors, 2020, 20(4)。

[6] WANG Y, WANG P, LI Z, CHEN Z, HE Q. Forecasting Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Interior Noise and Its Applications in Railway Alignment Design[J/OL]. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020, 2020: 5896739。

[7] LI S,WANG Y, YANG M, SUN Y, WU F, DAI J, WANG P, GAO M. Investigation on a broadband magnetic levitation energy harvester for railway scenarios[J/OL]. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2021: 1045389X211026383。

[8] WANG P,WANG Y, GAO M, WANG Y. Energy harvesting of track-borne transducers by train-induced wind[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017, 19(3): 1624-1640。

[9] GAO M, WANG Y,WANG Y, YAO Y, WANG P, SUN Y, XIAO J. Modeling and experimental verification of a fractional damping quad-stable energy harvesting system for use in wireless sensor networks[J/OL]. Energy, 2020, 190: 116301。

[10] GAO M, WANG Y,WANG Y, WANG P. Experimental investigation of non-linear multi-stable electromagnetic-induction energy harvesting mechanism by magnetic levitation oscillation[J/OL]. Applied Energy, 2018, 220: 856-875。

[11] LU J, GAO M,WANG Y, WANG P. Health monitoring of urban rail corrugation by wireless rechargeable sensor nodes[J/OL]. Structural Health Monitoring, 2018, 18(3): 838-852。

[12] GAO M, WANG P,WANG Y, YAO L. Self-Powered ZigBee Wireless Sensor Nodes for Railway Condition Monitoring[J/OL]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2018, 19(3): 900-909。

[13] 王沂峰。磁约束振动发电设备及振动发电系统,中国专利,ZL201910142973. 1 (2019)

[14] 王平,王沂峰等。既有铁路线形评估方法及系统,中国专利, ZL201910211882.9 (2021)

[15] 王平,王沂峰等。一种轨道车辆车内噪音预测方法及装置,中国专利, ZL201910802697. 7 (2021)

[16] 王源,王沂峰。轨道波磨病害诊断方法与装置,中国专利, ZL201810978084. 4 (2021)

[17] 王源,王沂峰。列车综合定位装置与方法,中国专利, ZL201810841177.2 (2021)

[18] 王平,王沂峰等。一种可调频的超低频多向晃动发电装置,中国专利, ZL202110415655.5 (2023)



