硕 导 个 人 简 介
u 个人简介
邵家儒,男,汉族,1986年3月生,山东淄博人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,重庆市“巴渝学者”青年学者,重庆市航空学会副理事长,重庆力学学会理事,重庆理工大学青年英才。2014.07获得中国科学院大学工程力学专业博士学位,现为重庆理工大学机械工程学院教师,工程力学系主任。主持国家自然科学基金、重庆市技术创新与应用发展重大主题专项等省部级及以上项目5项,发表学术论文30余篇,其中第1或通讯作者发表SCI论文10余篇,其中以第1作者发表于computers & structures的论文单篇他引用次数220余次。
u 研究领域
u 承担的主要项目
[1] 强非线性液体晃荡问题的SPH计算方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2017.01-2019.12,24万,主持。
[2] 高强度轻量化复合材料飞机结构设计技术研发及应用, 重庆市技术创新与应用发展重大主题专项,2019.09-2022.08,300万,主持。
[3] 复合材料结构及胶粘剂性能分析与测试,企事业单位委托,2020.6- 2021.6,50万,主持。
[4] 飞行汽车定点降落视觉引导系统开发,企事业单位委托,2022.7- 2022.12,10万,主持。
[5] 关节驱动发电装置结构技术研究,企事业单位委托,2022.7- 2023.7,10万,主持。
u 代表性成果
[1] Jiaru Shao, xueping Mo, Zijun Zheng, Yu Yang. Research on jet noise characteristics of aeroengine double S-bend nozzles with different cross sections. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow.2022. (SCI)
[2] Jiaru Shao, Niu Liu, Zijun Zheng, Yu Yang. Elastic-Plastic progressive damage model and low-velocity impact faliure mechanism of composite materials. Materials Today Communications, 2022,31:103685. (SCI)
[3] Jiaru Shao, Niu Liu, Zijun Zheng. A modified progressive damage model for simulating low-velocity impact of composite laminates. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 14(4):1-16. (SCI)
[4] Jiaru Shao, Niu Liu, Zijun Zheng. Numerical comparison between Hashin and Chang-Chang failure criteria in terms of inter-laminar damage behavior of laminated Composite. Material Research Express, 2021,8(8):085602. (SCI)
[5] Jiaru Shao, Yu Yang, Haifeng Gong, Moubin Liu. Numerical simulation of water entry with improved SPH method, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2019,16(2):1846004 (SCI)
[6] Jiaru Shao, Shangming Li, Moubin Liu. Numerical simulation of violent impinging jet flows with Improved SPH Method, International Journal of Computational Methods, 2016,13(4):1641001. (SCI)
[7] Jiaru Shao, Shangming Li, Zirui Li, Moubin Liu. A comparative study of different baffles on mitigating liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank due to horizontal excitation, Engineering Computations, 2015,32(4):1172-1190. (SCI)
[8] Jiaru Shao, Huiqi Li, Guirong Liu, Moubin Liu. An improved SPH method for modeling liquid sloshing dynamics, Computers and Structures. 2012,100-101:18-26. (SCI)
[9] Jiaru Shao, Moubin Liu, Xiufeng Yang, Lin Cheng. Improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics with RANS for free surface flow problems. International Journal of Computational Methods. 2012,9 (1):1240001. (SCI)
[10] Moubin Liu, Jiaru Shao, Huiqi Li. An SPH model for free surface flows with moving rigid objects, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. 2014,74:684-697. (SCI)
[11] Moubin Liu, JiaruShao. On the treatment of solid boundary in smoothed particlehydrodynamics. Science China. 2012, 55(1):244-254. (SCI)
[12] Yu Yang, Jiaru Shao. Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction with SPH method. Journal of Engineering. 2020,14:958-965. (EI)
[13] Jiaru Shao, Niu Liu, Zijun Zheng. Research on bonding damage of composite materials adhesive structures. International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics. 2023. (EI,已录用)
[14]邵家儒, 刘牛, 杨瑜, 郑子君. CFRP复合材料构件胶接特性及失效规律研究,应用力学学报,2023.(已录用)
[15] 莫学萍,邵家儒,郑子君,杨瑜,逆压区域锯齿结构翼型气动噪声特性研究,飞行力学,2023. (已录用)
[16] 许军,莫学萍,邵家儒,绕水翼非定常空化流动特性及空化噪声研究,水动力学研究与进展,2023(已录用)
[17]陶裕梅,郑子君,邵家儒. 纤维增强复材C形圆台壳件固化变形的预测方法, 航空材料学报. 2022,42(03) :70-79.
[18]邵家儒,张月月, 曾宪君, 刘牛. 复合材料机身壁板连接分析及轻量化设计.复合材料科学与工程,2021,1:28-34.
[19]曾宪君, 黄志涛, 邵家儒, 刘牛, 张月月. 基于SPH方法的罐式贮箱动力响应及稳定性研究. 机床与液压, 2021, 49(14): 24-30.
[20]黄志涛, 杨瑜, 邵家儒, 张月月, 罐车防晃结构SPH模拟研究, 应用数学和力学. 2020, 41(7):760-770.
u 联系方式