








邹政,博士,博士后,教授,硕士生导师,中国振动工程学会振动噪声控制分会委员,重庆市科技青年联合会会员。2003.09-2007.06,获得重庆工学院机械设计制造及其自动化专业学士学位;2007.09-2010.01,获得重庆大学机械电子工程专业硕士学位;2010.03-2014.03,获得昆士兰大学(澳大利亚)机械工程博士学位。2016.09-2010.09,重庆机床厂博士后工作站博士后,2014.07-至今,重庆理工大学机械工程学院教师。在国内外重要期刊如《Energy Conversion and Management》、《Solar Energy》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》等发表论文20余篇,发表论文共被他人引用百余次;授权专利15件。




[1] 复杂恶劣环境下的机器视觉理论与关键技术研究,重庆市自然科学基金创新发展联合基金项目,2023.102026.9, 50万,主持。

[2] 面向复杂开放场景的无人系统RGB-D-T多模态协同感知研究, 重庆市自然科学基金创新发展联合基金项目,2024.102027.9, 50万,参与。

[3] 面向复杂曲面五轴铣削的刀具磨损状态在位智能识别方法研究, 中国博士后第71批面上资助项目,2022.7-2023.78万,主持。

[4] 二元制齿进程误差干扰下滚刀磨/破损状态在位识别方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.1-2022.1225万,主持。

[5] 基于能耗表征的干切制齿精度与加工误差源实时在位识别方法研究,重庆市基础研究与前沿探索一般项目,2018.6-2021.610万,主持。

[6] 面向高端数控滚齿机床的精密机械传动误差关键技术研究,重庆市教委科学技术研究一般项目,2018.6-2021.65万,主持。

[7] 基于能耗表征的滚齿机制齿精度在位测控技术研究,中国博士后基金面上项目, 2017.5-2019.95万,主持。

[8] 面向干切滚齿机床的制齿精度与误差源实时在位识别系统研究,重庆市巴南区科学技术研究项目,2019.9-2021.85万,主持。

[9] 基于能耗表征的干切滚齿机制齿精度在位测控技术研究,重庆市博士后特别资助项目,2018.3-2019.95万,主持。

[10] 复杂曲面加工数字孪生技术基础研究,重庆市教委科学技术研究重大项目,2018.10-2021.9,50万,参与。

[11] 大扭矩轻量化商用车变速箱智能制造车间应用示范,重庆技术创新与应用示范重点示范项目,2018.10-2020.1240万,参与。

[12] 面向高山地区的光伏水泵技术与装备开发,重庆市社会事业与民生保障专项一般项目,2016.06-2019.0520万,参与。

[13] 基于太阳能驱动和净化雨水的城市道路智能除尘应用技术开发,重庆市社会事业与民生保障专项一般项目,2016.6-2019.1220万,参与。

[14] 强非线性液体晃荡问题的SPH计算方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.1-2022.1224万,参与。


[1]论文:Zheng Zou*, Xu Gao, Sicong Lei, Hao Zhang, Rongcheng Min, Yong Yang, Development of tool wear condition on-line monitoring method for impeller milling based on new data processing approach and DAE-BP-ANN-integrated modelling, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2024, 238(1-2): 124-136. (SCI收录).

[2]论文:Zheng Zou*,Rupeng Cao, Wei Chen, Sicong Lei, Xu Gao, Yong Yang,Development of a tool wear online monitoring system for dry gear hobbing machine based on new experimental approach and DAE-BPNN-integrated mathematic structure,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2021,116, 685-698.(SCI收录)

[3]论文:Zheng Zou, Wen Yan, Wensheng Ma*, Zhuang Liu, Rupeng Cao, Wei Chen, Development of thermal error mapping model for the dry gear hobbing machine based on CNN-DAE integrated structure and its application, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2021,113, 2343-2354. (SCI收录)

[4]论文:Wanhua Zhao, Zhuang Liu, Yong Yang, Zheng Zou*, Ruizhi Shu, Sicong Lei, Xu Gao,Improving the transmission error source tracing method for gear hobbing machines, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2022, doi:10.1177/16878140211072962. (SCI收录)

[5]论文: Jinghua Ma, Zhuang Liu, Wanhua Zhao,Zheng Zou*, High precision Gear Manufacturing with three Thermal error measuring methods and performance comparison, 4th World Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Manufacturing, 2021, November 12-14, Shanghai, China. (EI收录)

[6 ]论文:Zheng Zou*, Zhuang Liu, Wen Yan, Rupeng Cao, Wei Chen, Comparison analysis of four wind breaking designs for the hybrid cooling-tower-solar-chimney system under crosswind conditions, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Sanya, China, January 10-12, 2020.


[8]论文:Xianguang Li, Yong Yang,Zheng Zou*, Feng Deng, Li Wang, Qian Tang, Study on the effect of force-thermal coupling error on the gear hobbing accuracy and its visualization,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 102, 583-594.

[9]论文:Xianguang Li, Yong Yang,Zheng Zou*, Zhitao Liu, Li Wang, Qian Tang, Critical study on the thermal-structural characteristics of worktable assembly of a dry hobbing machine,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 100, 179-188.

[10]论文:Yong Yang, Xianguang Li,Zheng Zou*, Liwan Zeng, Li Wang, Theoretical analysis of the Influence of workpiece spindle vibration displacement on machining accuracy of gear hobbing machine, Journal of Vibroengineering, 2019, 21, 286-300.

[11]论文:Zheng Zou*, Wen Yan, Hengxiang Gong, Yinjia Wang, Jiaru Shao, Quantifying the performance advantage of the novel passive air cooling system for PV array and system structure optimization, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 149:899-908.

[12]论文:Zheng Zou*, Xieshi Lie, Hengxiang Gong; Jingshu Wang, Numerical Analysis of Solar Enhanced Passive Air Cooling System for Concentrating Photovoltaic Module Heat Dissipation, 9th International Symposium on Heat ransfer Beijing, China, August 18-20, 2018.

[13]论文:Zheng Zou*, Hengxiang Gong, Jingshu Wang, Shilie Xie, Numerical Investigation of Solar Enhanced Passive Air Cooling System for Concentration Photovoltaic Module Heat Dissipation, 2016 APCBEES Conference, Pattaya, Thailand, January 23-25, 2016.

[14]论文:Zheng Zou*, Hengxiang Gong, Xie shilie, Xiaoxiao Li, Yong Yang, Numerical investigation of the crosswind effects on the performance of a hybrid cooling-tower-solar-chimney system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017.8.1, 126: 661-669.

[15]论文:Zheng Zou, Hengxiang Gong*, Numerical analysis of solar enhanced natural draft dry cooling tower configuration. 2016, 94: 697-705.

[16]论文:Zheng Zou*, Suoying He, Modeling and characteristics analysis of hybrid cooling-tower-solar-chimney system. Energy Conversion and Management. 2015, 95: 59-68.

[17]论文:Zheng Zou*,Zhiqiang Guan, Hal Gurgenci, Yuanshen Lu, Solar Enhanced Natural Draft Dry Cooling Tower for Geothermal Application. Solar Energy. 2012, 9(2012): 2686-2694.

[18]论文:Zheng Zou*, Zhiqiang Guan, Hal Gurgenci, Optimization Design of Solar Enhanced Natural Draft Dry Cooling Tower. Energy Conversion and Management. 2013, 76: 945-955.

[19]论文:Zheng Zou*, Zhiqiang Guan, Hal Gurgenci, Numerical Simulation of Solar Enhanced Natural Draft Dry Cooling Tower. Solar Energy, 2014, 101:8-18.

[20]论文:Zheng Zou*Zhiqiang Guan,Hal Gurgenci,Numerical Modelling on Solar Enhanced Natural Draft Dry Cooling Tower,18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference. Lauceston, Australia, December 3-7, 2012.

[21]论文:Zheng Zou*Zhiqiang Guan,Hal Gurgenci,Yuanshen Lu,Analytical and Numerical Modeling on Solar Enhanced Natural Draft Dry Cooling Tower,15th IAHR Cooling Tower and Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Conference and 2011 Annual Symposium of Industrial Cooling Tower Study Committee of CSEE Thermal Power Chapter Proceedings. Beijing, China, October 23-26, 2011.




[25] 专利:激光束齿距误差检测装置,国家发明专利,重庆机床(集团)有限责任公司,邹政、杨勇、廖承渝、王利、刘典、孙蔚,2018114752505;

[26] 专利:激光束齿距误差检测装置,实用新型,重庆机床(集团)有限责任公司,邹政、杨勇、廖承渝、王利、刘典、孙蔚,2018220262087;

[27] 专利:一种高速公路除尘系统,国家发明专利,重庆理工大学,龚恒翔,邹政,谢世列,周康渠,2015104263369.





